Pacific Coast Chapter Awards
Nominations for PCC awards may be done at any time throughout the year. Awards are announced and presented at the Annual PCC conference. All nominees meeting the criteria for a specific award will receive a certificate of recognition.
Nominations are due by April 30 of each year.
Please scroll down to review award. Links are listed within each category listing. Please use the downloadable PDF to submit answers/explanations as to how the nominee meets the criteria for the award.
Thank you in advance for your submission!
The WOC Nurse of the Year award is established to recognize a colleague who exemplifies excellence in WOC Nursing via contributions to mentorship, professional and patient education, or excellence in research or writing. An individual who meets the general criteria listed below AND who also meets the criteria for the focus area may be nominated for this award. The recipient will be selected according to the following criteria:
General Criteria
- Nominee must be a member of PCC for a minimum of 2 years
- Nominee must attend at least one chapter meeting a year
- Nominee must be board-certified, (WOCNCB®)
- Nominee practices WOC Nursing with 50% of the time in direct patient care related to WOC Nursing
- The nominee must also meet the criteria for ONE of the following focus areas: Mentorship, Patient Education, Professional Education, and/or Excellence in Writing/Research.
Mentor Focus
One of the most important reasons for belonging to a professional organization is personal and professional growth. This takes place through formal education, but also as seasoned members nurture and guide colleagues. Mentors are established professionals who realize the value of experience and provide leadership to less experienced colleagues, in the form of caring, concern and direction. Nominees for the WOC Nurse of the Year may be recognized for their generosity and dedication to WOC Nursing by extending themselves far beyond the demands of their employment positions to give of themselves to their colleagues.
Professional Education Focus
Education for WOC practice must keep pace with evolving scientific knowledge and the standards influencing the development, application, and evaluation of our practice. WOC nurses who demonstrate exemplary qualities in professional education, both to peers and other healthcare professionals may be recognized for contributions.
Criteria for Nomination:
The nominee must meet the general criteria listed above and demonstrate sound organizational skills and well-articulated knowledge base; presents information in an engaging manner with appropriate audio-visual tools; states and meets clear objectives for presentations; and provide outstanding professional education that addresses the following needs:
- To create new approaches to nursing problems
- To increase the healthcare professional’s competence (knowledge & skills) to enhance the quality of patient care
- To stay updated on evidence-based practice
- To promote the positive image of our profession to the healthcare community.
Patient Education Focus
Patient teaching is an important part of WOC Nursing, involving interpersonal interactions in trusting relationships between the patient and nurse. Nominations will be considered for WOC Nurses who meet the general criteria for WOC Nurse of the Year and who demonstrate exemplary contributions to patient education via one of the following criteria:
Criteria for Nomination:
The nominee must either:
- Develop an original instructional material or teaching method that meets a special need within the scope of WOC Nursing, (example: videos, models, posters, pamphlets, booklets, handouts, etc.) OR
- Have given educational presentations to lay people related to a topic within the scope of WOC Nurse practice, (example: health fairs, lectures at support groups, or participation in wellness programs, etc.)
Excellence in Writing or Research Focus
The WOC Nurse of the Year nominee may be recognized for excellence in original or contributions to professional writing or research. Excellence in writing or research encompasses writing articles for publication, creating posters for presentation or research surrounding wound, ostomy or continence issues. To nominate an individual for WOC Nurse of the Year with a focus on writing/research, submit the nomination form with 1 copy of the manuscript/research article or poster to the PCC Public Relations Coordinator.
Criteria for Nomination:
- Nominees for the award must be named as primary or secondary author on the manuscript, poster or research project.
- The manuscript/research article must be published or accepted for publication, or the poster must be accepted for presentation at a professional conference. The manuscript, research article or poster will be judged on the following criteria:
- Relevance & significance of contribution to WOC Nursing practice
- Originality
- Validity
- Writing style
The members of PCC realize that being new in a field of nursing presents some significant challenges. Breaking into a field and being successful is no easy task. There are however, outstanding new WOC Nurses who possess such a commitment to their new roles that they far exceed the expectations of their employers or colleagues within a very short time. These WOC Nurses are our future leaders. They are the “Rising Stars” of our organization. The PCC wishes to recognize the effort and dedication this entails with our “Rising Star Award”.
Criteria for Nomination:
- Be in attendance at 1 chapter meeting per calendar year.
- Hold certification as WOC Nurse and be an active member of the PCC, or at time of nomination, have graduated from a WOC Nurse Education program within 24 months.
- Perform at least 50% of their duties in direct patient care.
- The nominee must have completed one of the following nine achievements:
- Developed a formal educational offering for nursing staff or nursing colleagues
- Developed a professional poster presentation, accepted for display at any National Conference
- Written a research paper (not part of the WOC Education Program) or an article submitted for and accepted for publication in a professional journal, of which the Rising Star was the primary author
- Developed a program, materials or other project which positively elevates the healthcare community’s awareness of and/or respect for WOC Nursing as a specialty
- Participates in a formal Clinical Product Trial for a manufacturer or research project for a colleague
- Developed, and managed an interdisciplinary team in the acute, sub-acute, long-term care, or home care environment for the management of wound, ostomy, and/or continence care
- Established or actively participates in a community-based support group for patients suffering from diseases or impairments secondary to our area of expertise
- Developed and promoted a community-oriented newsletter, web page or equivalent, for the promotion of well being of our target patient population.
In performing the administrative and clinical functions of their positions, members of the Pacific Coast Chapter of WOCN work closely with independent representatives as well as representatives of product manufacturers. As WOC Nurses, we realize that to be successful in our practices, we rely heavily on our representatives who provide various types of support, from product information to educational literature. Many of our representatives go “above and beyond” the requirements of their jobs to offer extra support and encouragement to our members. It is our desire to recognize those representatives and provide them with a token of our appreciation. A limit of one Representative per calendar year may receive a plaque and be recognized as PCC’s Representative of the Year.
Criteria for Nomination:
The Representative is supportive of WOC Nursing, exhibited by at least three (3) of the following:
- Assists a member in the education of nursing staff
- Assists PCC/WOCN in the education of WOC Nurses
- Provides the association or members with information related to opportunities in the community
- Is respectful of the WOC Nurse’s position within her/his working environment
- Assists WOC Nurses in obtaining technical information in a timely manner with excellent follow-through
- Demonstrated dependability, is on time for appointments
- Participates actively (not financially) in fund raising efforts
- Is respectful of other representatives and products emphasizing the positive qualities of his/her product without criticizing competitors
- Assists WOC Nurses to develop posters or supports other research projects.
Members of the PCC work closely with Manufacturers/Distributors to perform the administrative and clinical functions of their positions. As WOC Nurses, we realize that to be successful in our practices, we rely heavily on Manufacturers/Distributors who provide various types of support, such as the development and distribution of tools to make our jobs more efficient, financial backing for educational programs, and assistance with fundraisers. We also appreciate their willingness to be present at our meetings and to keep us updated on the latest products and services. It is our desire to recognize those Manufacturers and Distributors who go out of their way to assist us in our everyday tasks by providing them with a token of our appreciation.
Criteria for Nomination:
Manufacturer or Distributor:
- Must be in attendance at one chapter meeting per year.
- Is supportive of WOC Nursing, exhibited by two of the following:
- Assists members by providing tools for the education of general nursing staff
- Assists PCC by providing materials which promote the continued education of WOC Nurses
- Utilizes WOC Nurses in the development or evaluation of products which contribute to the well being of our patients
- Is respectful of the WOC Nurse’s position within her/his working environment
- Promotes evidence-based product production and distribution
- Demonstrates that they value their representative’s contributions to their company’s success.
The PCC President, our professional organization’s leader, is granted the opportunity to recognize and award a PCC member who has contributed significantly to PCC or WOC Nursing, in general.
Criteria for Selection:
The Presidential Award recipient is someone who:
- Volunteers above expectations
- Actively contributes to PCC business
- Has made a significant contribution to WOC Nursing or PCC
- Demonstrates excellence in leadership
- Is actively involved in sharing and communicating expertise through:
- Leadership – acts proactively for leadership development
- Participation in scholarly and research activities such as presentations, posters, abstracts, etc.
- Professional development by a) establishing a practice setting in a previously undeveloped setting or area; b) sharing clinical expertise through education; c) serving as clinical preceptor; d) is considered a professional role model.
Award Process:
- Nomination is by PCC Board of Directors only.
Not open for nomination by general membership (general membership may make suggestions to any board member).
The President of PCC determines the recipient.
Attention to Detail. Attention to Life. Continence Care Leadership Award was initiated in 2007 and made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from Hollister Inc. This award recognizes a member of the WOCN Society who has made a significant and outstanding contribution to urinary and fecal continence care in one or all of the following areas: as an educator, a researcher or in clinical practice.
The award will consist of a monetary award in the amount of $2,500 plus travel expenses to attend the WOCN awards ceremony at the annual conference.
Criteria for Nomination:
- The nominee must be a current member of WOCN for a minimum of five years
- Nominee must be recognized nationally as an expert in continence care
- Nominee has a sustained record of leadership and achievement in continence care
- Nominee’s contributions and work have had a significant positive impact on continence education, research, and or practice
Application Requirements:
- Completed nomination form
- Nominee’s CV or resume
- One letter of recommendation that demonstrates the outstanding contribution as an educator, a researcher, or in clinical practice in urinary continence care and bowel management.
- Self-nominations will be accepted
Review & Recognition Process:
- Only one winner will be awarded annually and the award winner will be selected through a nomination process to the WOCN Society.
- The WOCN Scholarship Committee will review the submitted nominations and submit a final recommendation to the WOCN Board for approval.
- Nominations will remain confidential and may be carried over to the following year if not awarded.
Lifetime Achievement – Janice Stanfield
Manufacturer of the Year – Southwest Technologies
Rep of the Year – Lorenzo Jackson
Lifetime Achievement – Mary Sears
President’s Award – Andrea Rougalis
President’s Award – Candace Miller
Lifetime Achievement – Joyce Moss
President’s Award – Marilyn Magoffin
President’s Award – Denise Barton
Rising Star/Rookie – Deborah Zaricor
President’s Award – Julie Lindfors
Lifetime Achievement – Evonne Fowler
President’s Award – Marie Ward
President’s Award – Pulani Kinimaka
Mentorship -Dee Walters
Excellence in Writing – Julie Lindfors
Rep of the Year* – Susan Schardt
ET Nurse of the Year – Brenda Leake
Mentorship – Mary Sears
Professional Education* – Betty Razor
Mentorship – Jane Cornwell
Professional Education* – Janet Stoia-Davis, Marcia Gay-Bales
Manufacturer of the Year* – Medline Industries
ET Nurse of the Year – Christine Herb
Lifetime Achievement – Marge Landry
Mentorship – Evonne Fowler
Excellence in Writing – Teresa Russell, Shelley Burdette-Taylor
Research – Shelley Burdette-Taylor
Professional Education* – Donna Lockhart
Rep of the Year* – Allison Adema
Manufacturer of the Year* – NuHope
ET Nurse of the Year – Donna Lockhart
President’s Award – Mary Sears
Lifetime Achievement – Betty Razor
Mentorship – Marge Landry
Rep of the Year* – Bob Mays
Manufacturer of the Year* – Healthpoint
ET Nurse of the Year – Zoe Mann
President’s Award – Janet Stoia-Davis
Lifetime Achievement – Josephine Martinson
Mentorship – Gayle Clayton
Rising Star/Rookie – Judy Harwood
Excellence in Writing – Susie Seama
Professional Education* – Dianne Mackey, Mary Anne Dilloway
Rep of the Year* – Kathleen Ellis
Manufacturer of the Year* – Conva
ET Nurse of the Year – Joy Edvalson
President’s Award – Kelle Herrick
Lifetime Achievement – Gene Galindo
Mentorship – Jan Stanfield
Excellence in Writing – Barbara Bates- Jensen
Rep of the Year* – Tom Fry
Manufacturer of the Year* – Hollister
Special Recognition – Harriet Weisenberger
ET Nurse of the Year – Ann Jimbo
President’s Award – Shelley Burdette-Taylor
Lifetime Achievement – Betty Razor
Mentorship – Sonia Manriquez
Rising Star/Rookie – Deirdre Power
Excellence in Writing – Betty Razor
Research – Glenda Hamburg
Professional Education* – Jenny Oberschlake
Rep of the Year* – Mary Ellen Gridley
Manufacturer of the Year* – Smith & Nephew
ET Nurse of the Year – Kelle Herrick
President’s Award – Betty Razor
ET Nurse of the Year – Janet Stoia-Davis
President’s Award – Jan Stanfield
Research – Joy Edvalson
ET Nurse of the Year – Gail Marculescu
President’s Award – Evonne Fowler
Excellence in Writing – Shelley Burdette-Taylor, Diane Markle Leibig, Nancy Shanahan
ET Nurse of the Year – Mary Sears
ET Nurse of the Year – Josephine Martinson
ET Nurse of the Year – Donette Nelson
ET Nurse of the Year – Jan Stanfield
ET Nurse of the Year – Margaret Landry
Return to the main Pacific Coast Chapter page to learn more.
Get in touch with us about becoming a member of WOCN today!