Become a WOC Nurse
How to become a WOC nurse?
WOC nurses are registered nurses who hold a baccalaureate degree or higher and have completed additional education focused on wounds, ostomies, and/or continence care. Formal education is provided by WOC Nursing Education Programs (WOCNEPs) accredited by the WOCN Society.

Accredited Programs
Find WOC Nursing Education Programs accredited by the WOCN Society and contact the individual programs directly for dates, structure type, and cost.
See ProgramsPreceptor Directory
Find WOC nurse preceptors in your region by searching our preceptor directory by location, employment setting, and areas of practice.
Preceptor FAQs
Review frequently asked questions about becoming a WOC nurse preceptor, how to get started with new students, information about roles and responsibilities, and more.
Start a WOCNEP
Are you interested in starting a WOCN-accredited WOC Nursing Education Program? Review our Accreditation Manual and request a Curriculum Blueprint
The Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing Certification Board (WOCNCB)* provides a national certifying examination designed for entry level into the field for graduates of accredited educational programs. Graduates of an accredited WOC nursing full scope or specialty program are eligible to become Board Certified by taking the (WOCNCB) Examination(s).
The WOCN Society and WOCNCB are two separate and distinct entities. Each organization has its own unique mission and goals and is governed by a separate Board of Directors. If you have questions regarding your certification, contact the WOCNCB at info@wocncb.org. If you have questions about your WOCN membership, contact WOCN at info@wocn.org. For more information and to download the certification exam application form, please visit the WOCNCB’s website or call the WOCNCB National Office at (888) 496-2622.