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WOC Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition
Member Price: $39.95
Non-Member Price: $44.95
Publication Date: 2018
Note: You will receive a link to download a PDF copy of this publication via email. This is not a physical edition.
Description: This updated document provides an overview of the scope of WOC nursing practice including the following: description, definition, history and evolution of WOC nursing; characteristics of WOC nursing practice; description of the tri-specialty; WOC nurse roles, populations served, and practice settings; care coordination and collaboration by WOC nurses; educational preparation and levels of WOC nurse providers; certification for WOC nursing; mandate for continuous professional development; ethics in WOC nursing; current issues and trends that influence WOC nursing; and future considerations and challenges for WOC nursing. In addition, the scope of practice is accompanied by standards of WOC nursing practice and professional performance that are based on the authoritative statements of the ANA (2015a) regarding the duties of all registered nurses. The standards define the responsibilities of the WOC nurse and guide professional practice and performance. Competencies are included for each standard, which provide evidence of compliance with that particular standard.
WOCN Clinical Practice Guideline Series (Mobile Version)
Price: $279.99
Description: The WOCN Clinical Practice Guideline Series is a new mobile clinical tool that delivers immediate, on-demand access to the Society’s most current evidence-based guidelines for WOC nurses and other health care providers of all levels. Easily access it on your phone, tablet or other internet connected devices and quickly assess patients with lower-extremity arterial disease (LEAD), pressure injuries, lower-extremity neuropathic disease (LEND), lower-extremity venous disease (LEVD) and fecal ostomies.
Your purchase includes life time digital access to the following WOCN Society publications:
- Guideline for Management of Wounds in Patients with Lower-Extremity Arterial Disease
- Guideline for Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers (Injuries)
- Guideline for Management of Patients with Lower-Extremity Wounds Due to Diabetes Mellitus and/or Neuropathic Disease
- Guideline for Management of Wounds in Patients with Lower-Extremity Venous Disease
- Clinical Guideline: Management of the Adult Patient with a Fecal or Urinary Ostomy
Already purchased? Access the Clinical Practice Guideline Series here.
Clinical Guideline: Management of the Adult Patient with a Fecal or Urinary Ostomy
Member Price: $60.00
Non-Member Price: $75.00
Publication Date: 2017
Note: You will receive a link to download a PDF copy of this publication via email. This is not a physical edition.
Description: An individual undergoing ostomy surgery, whether temporary or permanent, faces many challenges and life-style changes. Preoperative and postoperative education and follow-up are needed to ensure optimal outcomes for the individual. New skills must be achieved while the individual is adjusting to body image changes and adapting to new circumstances. The purpose of this guideline is to provide clinicians with current, available research and/or expert opinion in areas where research is lacking to promote best practice in ostomy care and management. The target audience for the guideline includes healthcare professionals who specialize in, direct, or provide care for adult patients with a fecal or urinary ostomy.
Guideline for Management of Wounds in Patients with Lower-Extremity Arterial Disease
Member Price: $60.00
Non-Member Price: $75.00
Publication Date: 2024
Note: You will receive a link to download a PDF copy of this publication via email. This is not a physical edition.
Description:This fourth edition of the LEAD guideline was updated based on a systematic search of databases and a systematic review and synthesis of relevant literature published January 1, 2017 through April 30, 2022. Also, during the review and discussion of the document by the task force in 2023, additional relevant literature was included.
The guideline lists 76 recommendations along with summaries of the supporting evidence for screening and diagnosis, assessment, and management of patients with wounds due to LEAD. Topics include comprehensive patient assessment, and examination of the LEs and wound; vascular assessment/tests of perfusion; quality of life assessment; indications for referral and/or treatment; wound management; nutritional interventions; pain management; compression therapy; risk reduction and pharmacotherapy; surgical interventions; conservative therapy; adjunctive therapy; and patient education.
Guideline for Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers (Injuries)
Member Price: $60.00
Non-Member Price: $75.00
Publication Date: 2016
Note: You will receive a link to download a PDF copy of this publication via email. This is not a physical edition.
Description: The WOCN Society is committed to developing evidence-based guidelines by applying state-of-the-science methods. To remain current, the WOCN Society’s Guidelines Task Force embarked on a two-year long operation to update the 2010 Guideline for Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers. The updated document includes a summary of recommendations and an overview of the definition, background, significance, etiology, prevalence and incidence, classification system, as well as medical device-related pressure ulcers. The updated guideline also includes information for overall management goals, assessment and treatment strategies, preventative interventions, and a robust glossary. Within the appendices are the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel’s (NPIAP) new pressure injury stages and illustrations (in color), along with multiple tools for managing pressure ulcers, including the WOCN Society’s evidence- and consensus-based Support Surface Algorithm.
Guideline for Management of Patients with Lower-Extremity Wounds Due to Diabetes Mellitus and/or Neuropathic Disease
Member Price: $60.00
Non-Member Price: $75.00
Publication Date: 2021
Note: You will receive a link to download a PDF copy of this publication via email. This is not a physical edition.
Description: This third edition of the WOCN Society’s Guideline for Management of Patients with Lower-Extremity Wounds Due to Diabetes Mellitus and/or Neuropathic Disease is the result of a systematic search, review, and synthesis of evidence from literature published from January 2014 through May 2018 with some relevant updates from 2019–2021 during the consensus review process. The target audience for the guideline includes wound, ostomy, and continence (WOC) specialty nurses and other health-care professionals who specialize in, direct, or provide wound care for patients with/or at risk for lower-extremity (LE) wounds due to diabetes mellitus and/or neuropathic disease (DM/ND).
The guideline lists 72 specific recommendations along with summaries of the supporting evidence for screening and diagnosis, assessment, and management of patients with LE wounds due to DM/ND. Topics include the following: Comprehensive assessment and examination of the patient and lower extremities; Vascular assessment/tests; Examination of feet for peripheral neuropathy and loss of protective sensation; Identification/stratification of foot risk; Wound assessment, classification, and management; Off-loading and wound protection; Identification, diagnosis, and treatment of infection and osteomyelitis; Neuropathic pain management; Lifestyle measures to influence wound healing; Non-Surgical management of Charcot foot; Adjunctive therapies; Surgical interventions, Strategies including patient education to prevent wounds and/or adverse outcomes. In addition, the guideline provides a guide for applying evidence-based knowledge to clinical practice.
Date of Publication: 12/2021
Guideline for Management of Wounds in Patients with Lower-Extremity Venous Disease
Member Price: $60.00
Non-Member Price: $75.00
Publication Date: 2019
Note: You will receive a link to download a PDF copy of this publication via email. This is not a physical edition.
Description: The target audience for this guideline includes wound, ostomy, and continence (WOC) nurses and other health-care professionals who specialize in, direct, or provide wound care for patients with/or at risk for wounds due to LEVD. This third edition of the WOCN Society’s Guideline for Management of Wounds in Patients with Lower-Extremity Venous Disease (LEVD) is the result of a systematic search, review, and synthesis of evidence published from August 2010 through December 2017. Key recommendations for prevention and management of LEVD and venous leg ulcers (VLUs), and prevention of VLU recurrence are provided, along with levels of evidence. Topics include assessment, prevention and management of LEVD and risk reduction, interventions for wound management (i.e., compression therapy, debridement, dressings, treatment of infection, antibiotics, nutrition/supplements, pain management, exercise/physical activity, medications, surgical and minimally invasive treatment options, adjunctive therapies), costs of care, patient education for self-management, and health-care provider follow-up visits.