ICD-10-CM Codes for Irritant Contact
Dermatitis Resource Center
This Resource Center was created as a guide to help clinicians, and healthcare professionals alike, navigate the use of the new codes and familiarize themselves with the signs of these conditions in order to improve patient care and outcomes.
The ICD-10-CM Codes for Irritant Contact Dermatitis Resource Center is supported by an educational grant from 3M.
- Bedside care providers are usually the ones to identify skin damage resulting from moisture on their patients.
- There has not been (until now) a reliable way to capture the number of patients in the US who have moisture associated skin damage.
- The way that all disease state data in the US is collected is by tracking something called ICD-10-CM codes.
- The ICD-10-CM codes for moisture related problems were inadequate and inconsistently used.
- A group of volunteers from the WOCN Society worked to get new ICD-10-CM Codes added so that we could track and trend skin problems related to moisture in the US.
- The change is going to require that we use slightly different words to document these conditions. We must be role models for and teach others to use the new words.
- It’s inconvenient to have to change our language, but we can do it (we have done it before). The new words are going to be with us for a long time, so we must change.
These WOCNext on-demand presentations explore the change to the ICD-10-CM codes to include Moisture Associated Skin Damage conditions and what actions you need to take to incorporate them into your practice.
ICD-10 CM Codes for Irritant Contact Dermatitis
On this episode of WOCTalk, we sit down with two ICD-10-CM Task Force members to discuss their ongoing work with the ICD-10-CM Codes for Irritant Contact Dermatitis.
Join three expert WOC nurses to receive education on the documentation of MASD conditions in the electronic health record, using the new Irritant Contact Dermatitis ICD-10CM codes and terminology.
JWOCN Resources
Moisture-Associated Skin Damage: A Historic Step Forward
DownloadPractice Alert: New ICD-10 Codes for MASD
DownloadMoisture-Associated Skin Damage: Expanding and Updating Practice Based on the Newest ICD-10-CM Codes
DownloadMoisture-Associated Skin Damage: Expanding Practice Based on the Newest ICD-10-CM Codes for Irritant Contact Dermatitis Associated With Digestive Secretions and Fecal or Urinary Effluent From an Abdominal Stoma or Enterocutaneous Fistula
DownloadWOCN Blog Post
WOCN announced that its application for new ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes for Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD) has been approved by the ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee and took effect on October 1, 2021.