CMS has finalized the new coding and payment policies for 2025 to support caregiver training for direct care services and support. These trainings may cover a range of topics, including techniques to prevent pressure injury formation, wound care, infection control, and ostomy care.
The newly finalized caregiver training codes include:
- G0541: Caregiver training in direct care strategies and techniques to support care for patients with an ongoing condition or illness and to reduce complications (including, but not limited to, techniques to prevent decubitus ulcer formation, wound care, and infection control), provided face-to-face without the patient present (initial 30 minutes).
- G0542: Each additional 15 minutes of caregiver training (in conjunction with G0541).
G0543: Group caregiver training in direct care strategies and techniques to support care for patients with an ongoing condition or illness and to reduce complications, face-to-face with multiple sets of caregivers, without the patient present (including, but not limited to, techniques to prevent decubitus ulcer formation, wound care, and infection control).
These updates are in addition to the new caregiver codes approved in the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule, which included CPT codes 96202, 96203, 97550, 97551, and 97552. Those codes allow a practitioner to bill for the training of a caregiver who helps an adult family member (or another individual they have a significant relationship with) who provides assistance to an individual with a chronic condition, disabilities, or functional limitations. This training includes supporting caregivers in providing care for an individual with an ostomy.