We are pleased to announce that the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society™ (WOCN®) has been named a Power of A Silver Award winner by The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE).
Each year, ASAE runs a Power of A campaign, which brings attention to the association community’s valuable contributions to society at the local, national and global levels. Through the Power of A Awards, ASAE honors the outstanding accomplishments of associations in the categories of Enriching Lives, Creating a Competitive Workforce, Preparing Society for the Future, Driving Innovation and Making a Better World. WOCN was one of 114 entries that the Power of A Awards Judging Committee reviewed in 2019 and one of 24 associations across the United States to be awarded a silver level honor for driving innovation with their digital education initiatives. These initiatives include the Society’s podcast channel, WOCTalk, WOCN Society Clinical tools, rebroadcasted education sessions and bite-sized learning courses.
Click here to view all of this year’s award winners.
Overview of WOCN Society Digital Education Initiatives
As clinical experts, leaders and passionate caregivers, it can sometimes be a challenge to find the time to stay up-to-date on the latest healthcare advances, industry news and education. The WOCN Society recognizes that WOC nurses and other healthcare professionals have limited time during, and even after their working hours, and we are dedicated to finding new ways to help support their practice and encourage increased positive outcomes among those they serve– that is why we have rolled out various digital education resources to our membership and the greater healthcare community. Among our newest initiatives are our new podcast channel, WOCTalk, WOCN Society Clinical tools, rebroadcasted education sessions and bite-sized learning courses. Each of these educational resources allow not only our members, but other healthcare professionals, the ability to learn more about the advocacy, education, and research that supports the practice and delivery of expert healthcare to individuals with wound, ostomy, and continence care needs—each available in digital formats that are easily digestible for our members and other healthcare professionals to interact and digest education that will support their practice and improve outcomes for the patients they serve.
Reach of Digital Education Initiatives
While each of our digital education resources were created with our membership in mind, we are pleased to promote that they are far reaching beyond our 5,200 WOC professionals. We continue to market their value to not only our membership, but like-minded healthcare professionals who can benefit from each of them. While the Society considers each of these resources and added member-benefit, they are ultimately beneficial for anyone looking to improve their education, clinical practice and patient outcomes.
Objectives and Outcomes of Digital Education Initiatives
While objectives for each of our digital education resources vary, they all share a simple commonality; each unique in nature, the Society’s various digital clinical resources were created to increase the effectiveness of care to patients with wound, ostomy and continence care needs. Originally created with our membership in mind, we realize that the education each provides helps create a heightened awareness of the WOC specialty and further advance the quality of life for the patients that WOC nurses and other healthcare professionals serve.
A podcast channel courtesy of the WOCN Society. Episodes can be found on our WOCTalk page and downloaded on iOS and Android devices. Since WOCTalk was launched in October of 2018, our episodes have exceeded 15,000 downloads from 38 different countries.
WOCN Society Clinical Tools
Online Clinical Tools to help achieve optimal patient outcomes. Each clinical tool has its own unique URL where it can be accessed, however a summary of the tools can be found at wocn.org/clinicaltools.
Rebroadcasted Education Sessions
Individuals can attend live rebroadcasts of past Conference Sessions for Contact Hours. Since introducing rebroadcasted sessions in 2018, over 2,300 individuals registered to watch the live education sessions offered by the Society. 3 new rebroadcasted sessions will be available in the Fall of 2019.
Bite-Sized Learning
This year, the Society rolled out a new way to earn Contact Hours. These courses, found at wocncec.org, break down important WOC education topics into small, easily digestible sessions. Since rolling out the idea of “bite-sized learning” to our Continuing Education Center in early 2019, we have added 6 sessions to our online library. Each of these courses is 30 minutes or less in length.
Embodying the Power of Associations
As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the Society is cognizant of our need to sustain and maintain not only our membership, but the overall WOC nursing specialty, and find new ways to innovate, empower and educate the healthcare community to increase patient outcomes. Each of our current digital education resources do just that; from quick podcast episodes on hot topics, online education courses that fit into busy schedules and clinical tools and resources accessible with a few clicks on a device held in the palm of your hand, the Society’s digital education resources are an example of the impact associations can make when they think beyond their current offerings and dedicate themselves to finding new ways to help support their members and the individuals and communities that they serve.
In 2018, the WOCN Society celebrated its 50th Anniversary. Our 50th year gave way to various initiatives, each of which helped the Society chart its path forward while contributing to advocacy efforts, research and educational opportunities that supported our members’ practice and helped us continue to build a solid foundation for future generations to come. Each of these initiatives would not have been possible if it were not for our dedicated volunteers who lent us the time, support and expertise to bring each idea and resource to fruition.
While the Society has worked hard to create each of these offerings, we realize our work is not nearly done. Each year, we will continue to expand upon each of these resources by updating data, offering additional education opportunities, seeking our memberships’ feedback and working closely with industry partners to help bring our vision of being the trusted global authority and leader in wound, ostomy and continence (WOC) care to life.