About the WTA Program
The Wound Treatment Associate (WTA) Program developed by the WOCN Society is a continuing education program to further empower wound, ostomy, and continence specialty nurses and improve patient outcomes by enhancing their wound team. The WTA Program prepares non-specialty nurses to provide basic, bedside wound care. Graduates of the WTA Program who hold a nursing license are eligible for the WTA-C certification exam provided by the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing Certification Board (WOCNCB)®.
The WTA course content will expire on 12/31/2025. Prior to that date, subject matter experts from the Advisory Committee will review all of the program content, and make updates where needed so that the program accreditation may be renewed..

- Developed by internationally recognized leaders and educators in wound management and prevention practices
- Unlike other wound education courses, the WTA Program requires comprehensive hands-on training and testing
- Evidence-based online course that meets international standards of care
- Prepares participants for the WTA-C certification, offered through the nationally recognized WOCNCB
- Provides 32.25 Contact Hours for nurses
- Provides discussion of role and importance of CWCN consultation for complex and non-responsive wounds
- Delivery methods are designed to provide flexible, self-paced program completion
The WTA Program was designed for all healthcare settings, including home health, hospitals, and healthcare systems. The WOC nurse in a healthcare setting may gather participants at his/her facility for the online program. Individuals completing the program will function under the direction of the supervising APRN, WOC specialty nurse, or physician.

The WTA Program is designed to be completed within three months, under the direction of a WOCN-approved WTA Course Coordinator. It consists of prerecorded online learning modules and case studies, followed by on-site competency training and testing. The WTA Program consists of 14 lesson modules, including:
- A&P of Skin and Soft Tissue: Implications for Routine Care
- Skin and Tissue Loss Caused by External Factors
- Establishing Protocols for Prevention
- Legal and Regulatory Issues
- Physiology of Wound Healing
- Systemic Factors Affecting Repair
- Wound Assessment and Documentation
- Wound Assessment and Documentation – Slide Study
- Assessment and Management Non-healing (Refractory) Wounds
- Management of Ulcers due to Lower Extremity Arterial Disease (LEAD)
- Management of Ulcers due to Lower Extremity Venous Disease (LEVD)
- Prevention and Management of Lower-Extremity (LE) Wounds Due to Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and/or Neuropathic Disease (ND)